First Lady Tanisha Townsend is a native of New Jersey. Sister Townsend was raised in church, and has been an active member of the Body of Christ for most of her life. She spent her early years as a member of Mt. Teman African Methodist Epispocal Church.
Throughout her teen years, she frequently preached in youth competitions throughout her state and region representing Mt. Teman African Methodist Episcopal Church.
As a teen, Sister Townsend wrote, directed, and acted in plays that traveled around her local area. In her teen years, her family left Mt. Teman African Methodist Episcopal Church and joined 2nd Baptist Church. In 1996, she was licensed as a Minister under the 2nd Baptist Church in New Jersey. Sister Townsend was ordained as a Minister under Agape Christian Worship Center in 1999.
In 2000, Sister Townsend was honorably discharged from the United States Military. Her secular work experience includes various State and Federal Government positions throughout Idaho. She currently is the owner of a small consulting firm. She holds two Bachelor of Science Degrees and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She is currently in law school pursuing her Juris Doctorate Degree (J.D.). In 2001, Sister Townsend founded the Christian Women’s Connection, an organization dedicated to bringing unity through worship for women in the body of Christ.
First Lady Townsend is currently an Ordained Elder at Agape Christian Worship Center, Boise, Idaho where she serves alongside her husband, Senior Pastor Bryant Townsend. In addition to her role as Pastor’s Wife, she is the Church Administrator and oversees the Women’s, Youth, Drama, Community Outreach and Grant Development ministry departments. Among her many personal and professional accomplishments, she is most proud of being mother of Joy Townsend and wife of her best friend, Bryant. First Lady Tanisha Townsend is committed to seeing change in the lives of God’s people. She is determined to give God her best so that she can hear Him say “well done”.